Be In Harmony with Your Soul

Empowering you by offering a holistic approach to healing emotional, spiritual, environmental and physical challenges by leveraging and sharing over 30 years of expertise, experience, knowledge and intuitive abilities.

Feng Shui (Environment)

Have you felt stuck & stagnant? Getting sick all of the time? Fighting with family members? Money seems to go out as fast as it comes in?

The Feng Shui (energy flow) of your home/business premises can make such a difference as to your emotions, health, relationships, finances, success and career.

Being a Master of Feng Shui, I am able to help and guide you to improve the energy of your home/business by offering courses to show you how to make the changes that can make such a difference to your life.



Have you experienced being hurt, deep woundings and trauma that may be preventing you leading a life of joy, fulfillment and peace?

I truly know what it is like to have gone through many traumatic life events from a very young age! Through my own healing journeys, they have become my greatest gifts that has empowered me to turn my life into something that I love and thrive in.

By utilising the many resources in my rather large toolbox, my coaching sessions and workshops can help you navigate your own healing journey so that you can lead the life you desire and richly deserve!

Human Design, Chinese Astrology & Intuitive Gifts


Are you living a life of stress, fear, and struggle? Are looking for direction in regards to your career and life purpose?

We are all born into this life with soul imprints, energy frequencies and gifts that we are to here share that can make a difference to not only our own life, but that of others lives too.

By using my own intuitive gifts, Human Design (your Soul's Blueprint/Roadmap) and Chinese Astrology I offer Personal Readings, which can help you so that you are able to lead more authentic and harmonious life. This can be a prerequisite as these make an amazing tool/resource for me to coach and guide you with what works best with your Soul's Blueprint and Astrology to make even a bigger impact to your life!

Aromatherapy (Physical)

Do you suffer from health challenges? We all do at some point! I could create a massive list of the ones I have helped people with over the past 30 years.

Being a Qualified Clinical Aromatherapist, I can support you through many physical, emotional, or mental health issues and assist in improving your well-being.

I created my own range of Essential Oil Products that are blended and bottled by hand in small batches and educational workshops/courses.

Who Am I?

A Mung Bean Hippie, Whoo Whoo White Witchy Poo who is living her most authentic life!

My Life's Purpose is to Inspire, Empower and make a positive Impact on those that are in search of a more holistic, authentic and harmonious life, that they can then go on to live their lives to the fullest without limitations and in doing so create a beautiful ripple effect around the world.

I am an award-winning Businesswoman, Entrepreneur, Master of Feng Shui, Qualified Clinical Aromatherapist, Author, Professional Speaker, Chinese Astrologist, Human Design and Intuitive Reader and have appeared on radio, podcasts and television.

Testimonials & Reviews

Sharon did my Chinese Astrology Reading and the result were really fascinating. The report was full of useful information including personality strengths I can leverage in my business. I highly recommend getting a reading done from Sharon who has a lovely and approachable manner.

Vicki Main - VLM Training & Coaching Specialists

You are such an inspiration to me - you have such a peaceful essence you exude, I love being around it. It gives me peace and makes me feel like that I can handle almost anything.


Thank you so, so much for doing Personal Reading today (included Year of the Dragon, 4 Pillars of Destiny and My Souls' Blueprint - Human Design Charts). It has been very confirming and supportive in helping me with confidence moving forward. You are a gifted intuitive with grace and gratitude to transform your knowledge into helping others clear their path with a beautiful mix of psychological & spiritual language.

Jennifer Wilson

Courses & Workshops

Feng Shui

Feng Shui Your Home for Success - Online Course

Coming Soon - Content packed with ways to improve your health, harmony, career, relationships and prosperity. incorporating 3 different schools of Feng Shui.


Aromatherapy for Beginners - Online

Coming Soon - Learn in depth information about the most common essential oils, the many ways they can benefit you emotionally and physical as well as the different applications


Pure Essential Oil Products created, blended and bottled in small batches by Sharon, who is a Qualified Clinical Aromatherapist including blends that assist with emotional and physical wellbeing.


40 Blackfriars Road Joondalup

Western Australia

(By Appt ONLY)


+61 417319978


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